ZINCMAX® is compatible with most commonly used foliar feeds, except foliar feeds with a high phosphorous content. However, it is recommended to do a compatability test on a small area and observe the treated area for 3 days before doing commercial applications. Do not mix ZINCMAX® with highly alkaline materials such as Lime sulphur or Bordeaux mixture. Where overhead systems are in use, avoid scheduling irrigation directly after application. In orchards equipped with micro irrigation systems, spray deposits should not be affected by irrigation. Use the lower concentration for maintenance, and the higher concentration for sufficient uptake.

Active Ingredients

Zinc (Zn) – 130 g/ℓ Boron (B) – 6.5 g/ℓ


Apples, Pears, Apricots, Peaches, Plums, Nectarines, Avocados, Macadamias, Cherries, Citrus, Coffee, Cotton, Cruciferae, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Peppers, Cucurbits, Tobacco, Grapes, Maize, Beans, Peas, Soybeans, Groundnuts, Mangoes, Olives, Onions, Pecans, Potatoes, Sweetcorn, Tea, Wheat, Barley, Oats

Application Rates
  Avocados Macadamias75-150ml/100L water to a maximum of 7,5L/haApply at first signs of deficiency are noticed and repeat 3-4 weeks later if necessary. Apply a minimum of 500L water/ha
  Mangoes75ml/100L water to a maximum of 3L/haApply early on the onset of flowering. More sprays may be required depending on the severity of deficiency
    Coffee  50-150ml/100L water to a maximum of 2L/haApply at first signs of deficiency are noticed and repeat 3-4 weeks later if necessary. Apply a minimum of 500 water/ha
  Potatoes50-150ml/100L water to a maximum of 2L/haApply from golf-size bulbs, and repeat 14 days later. Apply in a minimum of 500L water/ha.
  Citrus50-150ml/100L water to a maximum of 3L/haApply 2-3 applications depending on the severity of deficiency. The first application during the onset of flowering, the second application during berry expansion, followed by a third application 21 days later if necessary
  Cotton  50-150ml/100L water to a maximum of 2L/haApply 1-2 applications. Apply early in the season when there is sufficient foliage to absorb the spray and if possible apply before symptoms appear. Apply in a minimum of 500L water/ha
Cruciferae, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Peppers, Cucurbits, Tobacco  50-150ml/ 100L water to a maximum of 2L/haApply 2-3 applications. The number of applications will be determined by the severity of deficiency. Apply early during the onset of flowering
    Grapes  100-200ml/ 100L water to a maximum of 2L/haApply 2-3 times per season starting when shoots are 10cm in length. A post-harvest application of 200ml/100l water/ha can be applied if necessary.
  Onions50-100ml/ 100L water to a maximum of 2L/haApply from golf size bulbs, and repeat 14 days later. Apply in a minimum of 500l water/ha.
  Wheat, Barley, Oats  50-100ml/ 100L water to a maximum of 2L/haFor best results apply early in the growing season, as soon as the crop has sufficient leaves to absorb the spray. Repeat 3-4 weeks later if necessary. Apply in a minimum of 200L water/ha.


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