General Information

Limar Combi SC is a herbicide for the pre-emergence and early post-emergence control of annual grasses and selected broad-leaved weeds in maize.

Mode of action

Acetochlor belongs to the chloroacetamide chemical group. It is selective, absorbed mainly by shoots and roots of germinating weeds binds tightly to the soil particles, and stays in the germinating zone of weeds. It is absorbed from the soil primarily by the shoot of emerging seedlings and then by the roots, following absorption it is translocated throughout the plant and acts by inhibition of very-long-chain fatty acid (inhibition of cell division).

Atrazine belongs to the triazine chemical group. It is a selective, systemic action with residual and foliar activity and acts by interfering with photosynthesis (photosystem II), and eventually, the weeds die by starvation due to lack of food production.

Application Rates

CropTarget controlApplication rateTiming & frequency of application
MaizeAnnual broadleaf weeds and grasses3-4L per hectare in 150- 250Lof water or 250-400 ml per 16L knapsack sprayer.To be applied at the pre-emergence stage of both crops and weeds. Apply immediately after planting onto a fine, even, and firm seed bed. Use a high product rate if treatment is being done 7 days after rains.

Pre-harvest interval (PHI): Noharvest interval, Limar CombiSC i:s applied in pre-emergence of crop and weeds.

Re-entry period: 12 hours.


Limar Combi SC
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