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Onion Runal F1

Runal F1 was trialed in the Kenyan market in 2018 and 2019 across all major onion growing belts from Kajiado, Isiolo, Laikipia, Nakuru, West Pokot and Mt. Elgon.

Lachlan Kenya Limited in collaboration with agroTip – Germany have launched an excellent hybrid onion variety RUNAL F1 in the market.

Runal F1 was trialed in the Kenyan market in 2018 and 2019 across all major onion growing belts from Kajiado, Isiolo, Laikipia, Nakuru, West Pokot and Mt. Elgon. Due to its outstanding features, the variety was commercially introduced and is one of the leading Hybrid onion to date.

Why Runal F1
  1. Runal F1 is adapted to both low and high altitude zone. It has a strong foliage and good field tolerance to foliar diseases.
  2. Most of the growers have preferred Runal F1 due to its early maturity, high yield and good quality bulbs.
  3. Runal F1 produces medium to large bulbs with glossy dark red skin. The shape of these bulbs is globular and slightly flattened.
  4. Farmers are also growing Runal F1 as they have discovered that this is where they get their “kilos”. The bulbs are dense and compact as a result has good weight per bulb. Same size of bulb with other varieties but more weight. Due to their compactness Runal F1 bulbs are firm and thus transports well even on long distance.

In Summary Runal F1 in five words is:

“Early, healthy and high yielding!”

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