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Fidelity 400 WDG a tool for IRM programs

The two active ingredients in Fidelity™ 400 WDG provide a combination of two different modes of action resulting in fast knockdown and long residual control of a broad spectrum of sap-feeding and chewing pest.
Roses Lachlan

At Lachlan Kenya Limited, we understand that crops require a conducive environment for them to yield to their potential in any production system. This environment comprises biotic and abiotic factors such as pests and diseases, climate, soils or media, the farming activities in the areas surrounding the subject farms, the nature of crop nutrition or feeding and the types of chemicals that farms use in their spray regimes.

Export cut flowers such as Roses, open field crops and outdoor flowers remain attractive to pests throughout the year and where the neighboring farms grow and harvest crops in short cycles, they become alternate hosts. A large portion of the chewing and sap-feeding pests will easily find refuge in them, especially in the instances where there is an intermix of cereal crops, short-term grown vegetables once these crops are harvested.

The pest species that present this existential threat to farms include whiteflies, aphids, thrips, and mealy bugs. Currently, managing these pests is a challenge to many growers, as there are fewer target-specific molecules. The pests also can develop resistance with continued use of molecules of similar MoA without alternation. This, therefore, makes the management of pests costly and prudent decision-making criteria must be deployed to avert eminent crop losses.

In a bid to mitigate against crop losses due to pests, research, and development of newer target-specific molecules with different MoAs must continue.

Corteva Agriscience, being one of the leading R&D companies of crop pests solutions in the global scene  has not  been left behind and  brought within its supply chain through Lachlan Kenya Limited  a multi-acting and broad spectrum  insecticide  known as FIDELITY 400 WG which is a combination of Jemvelva) and (Isoclast). The product has presented to growers the much-desired tool to manage troublesome pests with a single spray which is cost-effective.

The two active ingredients in Fidelity™ 400 WDG provide a combination of two different modes of action resulting in fast knockdown and long residual control of a broad spectrum of sap-feeding and chewing pest. Iconoclast is an IRAC Group 4C insecticide (sulfoximines class) based on its mode of action as a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) competitive modulator. Jemvelva is an IRAC Group 5 insecticide, nAChR allosteric modulator – site I (spinosyns class). Both actives act on the same type of receptors but on a fundamentally different way and binding to different parts of the receptor.

Fidelity 400 WDG insecticide is an excellent tool that can be incorporated within an IPM program because of its compatibility with important beneficial insects when applied according to label recommendations. Fidelity also does not result in flaring of secondary pests such as spider mites.

The attributes of Fidelity 400 WDG allow for broad spectrum control of target pests. These features contribute to make Fidelity 400 WDG a foundational tool for insecticide resistance management (IRM) programs.

To reduce the potential of insecticide resistance development by target pests, do not exceed a maximum of two applications per insect generation and do not use the product more than 3-4 times per season depending on the pest. Always use the recommended dose rate and follow all label recommendations. If possible, include proven cultural and biological control practices within an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program.

Recommendation for Use: 

Crop Target Pest Application Rate (g/Ha) Application timing/Remarks 
Roses Aphids  Mealybugs  Caterpillars  Whiteflies 200  4 g/20 L Spray at first signs of infestation, repeat application at 7-10 days interval when necessary. Ensure thorough coverage. Spray volume = 1000 L/Ha for Whiteflies, Caterpillars and Aphids. 2000L/Ha= For Mealy bugs.
Cabbages DiamondBack Moth  Aphids 200  4 g/20 L 
Tomatoes Whiteflies  Aphids 200  4 g/20 L  

The time is now to take on pests by using FIDELITY in all your crops and expect effective control that will give you peace. You need your sleep back, no more guess work, use FIDELITY 400WDG.

For more information, contact Lachlan Kenya Limited through Justus Mule at +254707319956 or email #MazaoBoraNaLachlan

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